Wednesday 7 September 2011

First Post...

Here I am writing my first post and I have no idea what to say! Where to start…
I’ve recently had the ingenious(?) idea to start my own business selling handmade items. My main problem was thinking of what I could actually make and sell, I’ve always been rather crafty and love making things but I had no idea where to start!

My current things are cards, baby shoes, baby bibs, stuffed toys and printed reusable bags. I’m also going to be looking into making handmade soaps ready for Christmas…I hear that they can be quite popular and I like learning something new. I’d better get a move on if I need to leave them to sit for a month!

Over the weekend I tried lino cutting for the first time; I love the look of lino printed cards. So I came up with my idea, got my tools ready and started cutting away. As enthusiastic as I was, I slipped and ended up gouging my finger leaving me a lovely U shaped slice…Ordinarily I wouldn’t mind however it’s right in the crease of my knuckle and everytime I move my finger I’m reminded of it with a lovely sharp sting. And here was me reading that they’re not sharp enough to leave a mark ;).

Yesterday was my volunteer day at my local bird of prey centre, I absolutely love it there. The falconers are an amazing bunch with high spirits and great senses of humour which makes all the difference when working somewhere.

This is Phyllis (below) - one of my favourite birds at the centre. And yes, I am completely biased. She’s beautiful, gentle and cuddly and she is still a baby and hasn’t learnt any bad manners from the other birds yet! She’s a Spectacled Owl.

This is Auckland, another of my favourites. He’s a Boobook Owl and is such a sweetheart.

This is Cecil, our male Spectacled Owl. He’s been with us for almost a year now and is certainly my favourite bird of all. Lovely to fly and sweet natured HOWEVER, he’s been put up for moulting and has gone a little feral with lack of human contact – I’m sure he tried to eat me when I was cleaning out his pen the other week.

Another of the favourites is Cobweb, a barn owl. He can get a little frisky with the ladies of the human variety, but he is quite sweet (when he’s not trying to mate with your head!). It appears that I’m one of the only ones he willingly flies to in his pen when we try to weigh him. He likes nothing better than to sit on my head and preen my pony tail.

That’s all I can think of at the moment, and I hope to be posting again very soon with details of my items and various things going on in my hectic life.

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