Thursday 15 September 2011

Bits & Bobs

Another busy weekend behind me (yes I know it's Thursday, but this is the first chance I've had to do a blog!), several items made and they are now just waiting to have labels on them ready for sale!
I managed to take some photos on my phone, but I apologise for the poor quality!

My new lot of fabric - load of beautiful colours and patterns to choose from!

And another photo of the fabric!

Reversible newborn baby shoes and fridge pegs

Close up of the reversible baby shoes!

Close up of the fridge pegs for those important documents (Chinese menu & the kids first picture of mummy)

Christmas card topper decorated by me with crystals - sorry it's sideways but I don't know how to change it!

Tuesday was another day at the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary! It was my job to go to our woodland trails and feed the Red Squirrels - we have 2 males & 2 females paired up and one of the male+female combinations are now proud parents! They've built a drey and have filled it with babies! Not the usual place a drey would go though seeing as we provided them with a couple of nest boxes - they decided to build theirs in their feeder (one of those houses you buy for birds to put their food in!). Needless to say I couldn't use it for food anymore so had great fun sprinkling it around and hiding it in trees to work for it. I've uploaded some more dodgy photos from my phone...

That should be enough photos of furry things for now! I took some photos of the birds on my camera but I can't find my lead at the moment!

That's all I have time for as well, will hopefully be uploading better photos of my creations over the weekend :).


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